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Seraphina Auerbach

Photo: A. Etges/Mercator-Institut

Research Associate


Triforum (4.03, 4th floor)
Innere Kanalstraße 15
50823 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 221-470 7283

Seraphina Auerbach completed her bachelor’s degree in Social Work/Social Pedagogy at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf in 2017 with a focus on Exclusion - Inclusion - Diversity and Civil Society. This was followed by a master’s degree in Intercultural Communication and Education at the University of Cologne. During her master’s studies, Seraphina Auerbach completed the GAMMA (Health, Mindfulness, and Compassion in Human-Related Work) multiplier training at the medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen. In addition, she participated in the research class Heterogeneity and Inclusion of the Future Strategy for Teacher Education at the University of Cologne.
Furthermore, she completed the further training course Quality of Pedagogical Relationships at the University of Potsdam, which is based on the guidelines of the Reckahn Reflections on the Ethics of Pedagogical Relationships and focuses more on human rights education.

In addition, she gained practical experience in the school sector (secondary school and vocational college) within the framework of the following projects, among others:

  • EINS (Den Einstieg in Sprache erleichtern: Sprachlich-literarische Förderung von neu zugewanderten Schülerinnen und Schülern), a project of the Institute for German Language and Literature II in cooperation with the Mercator Institute.
  • PROMPT! Macht Schule, a project of the Centre for Teacher Training (ZfL) at the University of Cologne, which is dedicated to German language support in international support classes and preparatory classes.
  • Conceptualisation, implementation, and evaluation of a practical project based on mindfulness in the area of emotional competence support at a community secondary school.

At the same time, Seraphina Auerbach supported the department of Intercultural Educational Research at the University of Cologne by working as a research assistant.

Currently, Seraphina Auerbach is supporting the federal and state initiative Education through Language and Writing (BiSS-Transfer) at the Mercator Institute in the area of conception, development, revision, and implementation of blended learning training in the school sector.