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Sabine Stephany

Photo: A. Etges/Mercator-Institut

Research Associate (currently substitute professor at IDSL II)

Triforum (3.14, 3rd floor)
Innere Kanalstraße 15
50823 Köln

Phone: +49 (0) 221-470 7717
Email :
Homepage at IDSLII

Dr. Sabine Stephany studied elementary school teaching, including German, mathematics, and English. Since 2009, she has worked as a research assistant at the University of Cologne, first at the Institute for German Language and Literature II (IDSL II) and since 2013 also at the Mercator Institute. Since 2016, she has been a staff member (postdoc) at the professorship of Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek. Her work focuses on reading and writing research and language-sensitive subject teaching. At IDSL II, in addition to teaching in vacation schools, she has designed language-sensitive mathematics courses for students with German as a second language and implemented them with student teachers. At the Mercator Institute, she was involved in various research projects, including coordinating the BMBF-funded project Reading and Writing Fluency - Conception, Diagnostics, Support. Sabine Stephany completed her doctorate on the topic of linguistic demands in mathematical text tasks. In the summer semester 2020 and winter semester 2020/21, she held the professorship for German Studies: Language Acquisition and Language Education (focus on school) at the German Department of the University of Siegen. She currently heads the project Die Schreibstarken - Schreibflüssigkeit trainieren in der Grundschule at the Mercator Institute. Starting in the winter semester 2022/23, she will hold a professorship for German language and its didactics at IDSL II.