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Rita Bomkamp

Photo: A. Etges/Mercator-Institut

Research Associate



Rita Bomkamp completed her bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Cologne in 2017. Here she focused on the topics of postcolonialism, transculturality and critical whiteness. She then completed a master's degree in Intercultural Communication and Education at the University of Cologne, where she was able to deepen her focus and expand it to include pedagogical and media perspectives.

In addition to her studies, she worked in the association sector in event organization and in the implementation and design of educational workshops. Since 2017, she has been working for various organizations as a freelance educational consultant in political education work.

At the Mercator Institute, Rita Bomkamp has been working as a research assistant in the initiative Transfer of Language Education, Reading and Writing Support (BiSS-Transfer) since the end of 2020. There she is involved in the supervision of blended learning training as well as in its conception, revision and implementation.