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Annik Köhne

Photo: A. Etges/Mercator-Institut

Research Associate

Triforum (4.02, 4th floor)
Innere Kanalstraße 15
50823 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 221-470 7378

Annik Köhne studied cultural studies and German as a foreign language in Frankfurt (Oder), Berlin, and Istanbul, specialising in the areas of language contact, speaker effects, and the teaching of phonetics. Before and during her studies, she taught English and German as a foreign language at schools, language schools,and university language centres in Germany, Thailand, Cameroon, Belgium, and Turkey.
After graduation, her professional career has taken her from teaching German studies seminars and practical German courses at the University of Lomé, to the support of gifted students in Germany, and then back to West Africa. There she coordinated the scholarships, initiatives, and projects of the Goethe Institute in Benin and Togo for the promotion of the German language in secondary schools, which included further training and support for multipliers. 
At the Mercator Institute, Annik Köhne has been coordinating the Blended Learning sector in the Bund-Länder initiative Transfer of Language Education, Reading and Writing Support (BiSS-Transfer) since October 2020.