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Dr. Necle Bulut

Photo: A. Etges/Mercator-Institut

Scientific advisor


Dr. Necle Bulut studied teaching at the University of Bielefeld for secondary level I and II with the subjects German language and literature and philosophy. From 2008 to 2018, she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for German Language and Literature II and at the Mercator Institute for Language Development and German as a Second Language at the University of Cologne on various research projects. Necle Bulut completed her doctorate on the spelling development of elementary school children and passed the Second State Examination in 2019. Her main research interests are literacy acquisition, reading and writing fluency of German as a first and second language, and research on multilingualism. Since 2019, she has been advising the Mercator Institute on issues including the promotion of basic reading and writing skills and is the author of the fact check Handwriting in the Digitized World.